Home of Open Mic Night • Bigger Than Cool • Blair Karsch

Ryan Wells

By on Nov 24, 2013 in The Mailbox | 0 comments

To Whomever it may concern:

The teen talk show hosted by Blair Karsch are really great. Blair is doing a good job getting teens to be heard. He is a great guy and listens to the kids. He knows the way we feel and understands us. Please do not overlook Blair and his show. He is a great guy who has dedicated his life to kids. I see him every day trying to get kids involved. Even on the weekends, he drives around town and finds kids to get them involved. Kids actually listen to him!! His show doesn’t exploit kids and other people. Please do not overlook Blair and his show. I know for a fact that if his show went on the air, me and many other kids would watch it. Thanks for your time!

Ryan Wells